Pearl Gemstone

April 6, 2010

Online Gemstone Dealers

There are hundred of online dealers offering gemstones for sale. The attraction of buying gemstones online is similar to that of any other product — the buyer is looking for the best possible selection at the best possible prices.

However, buying gemstones online is a bit riskier than buying books or cameras. The product is not standardized, for one thing. For another, gems are very small objects and their colors and details are extraordinarily important. Buying a fine gemstone on the basis of photographs and descriptions can be challenging.

But the risks in online gemstone buying are balanced by the rewards. Prices for gemstones online can be as much as 50% less than retail shops or even wholesale distributors who are far down the supply chain for gemstones. There are meaningful savings to be found online, especially for buyers who themselves are in the gemstone or jewelry business.

Selecting a reputable dealer can look like a daunting task. But like any other specialized product, you want to find a dealer who is an expert in his or her field, and for who gemstones are a vocation, not just a business.

Here are some useful hints for finding a gem dealer who is as passionate about gemstones as you are:

* Look for a dealer who carries a large stock. The world of gems is vast, and there are more than 100 different varieties of natural gems. A professional dealer will stock the rare and exotic gems as well as the standard types. Also look for a substantial stock in each gem type. That means the dealer buys in quantity and you’ll have a wider choice of cuts, sizes and colors.

* Look for a dealer who frequently adds new gems to his stock. The supply of gems from the mines is constantly changing, and serious dealers are opportunistic buyers who always take advantage of new material as it comes on the market. Fine gems that may be plentiful this month may be impossible to find the following year. A dealer who is always buying is a dealer who is closely following the market.

* Look for a dealer who provides lots of information about gemstones. Experts have expert knowledge and usually love to share it. Look for information about the history and characteristics of the different types of gemstones, as well as information about gem mining, cutting and polishing, gemstone pricing and developments in the gemstone business.

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